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Tandem-Com Special only $149 |
Complete Tandem-Com System
Precision Tandems, since 2004. No one else. Beware of counterfeit imitations. Use of our longstanding name is unauthorized and no one else is authorized to sell our product. We contracted with a Taiwan based electronics manufacturing company to supply the power unit made to our specifications and utilize digital noise canceling headsets, thus making it a low cost yet premium simple and reliable communication system.
We suggest carrying a Ziploc bag in case of a true downpour to provide protection for the entire system. Excessive moisture from a soaking rain could potentially cause damage. Should your unit inadvertently become wet, turn the unit off and let it dry out with the battery cover removed for 3 or 4 days before turning it back on. Remove the microphone cushions during this time as well.
There are a couple reasons but mainly because it is an external speaker type which sits outside of the ear and there is NO contact with the sensitive tissue in or around the auditory canal . The headset remains in place via a simple loop that goes behind the head and placed over the ears, like putting on a baseball cap.
No. The external speaker design does not seal off the auditory canal. You will hear ambient traffic sounds and be able to carry on a conversation with a rider next to you without difficulty unlike ear bud type headsets. And if you think about it, traffic approaching from the rear is heard by both ears.
No. But if you have this need, drop us an email as we do have solutions for you.
We have been amazed at how this little unit sips the current ever so slowly from the batteries. We are able to get 90+ hours out of alkaline batteries before some garbling of sound and a dimming of the LED with lower volume was noted.
Yes, any CD player, MP3, tape player, or transistor radio will play through the system. Simply plug in the music system to the Tandem-Com 'Audio' port using the player's headphone jack.
The Tandem-Com and the Ultra Headsets are guaranteed to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Broken headset wires fall into the wear and tear, use and abuse category, and are not covered by our supplier. Should you experience difficulty with your Tandem-Com, please thoroughly read the User Instructions. |
Yes. Simply purchase any stereo 3.5mm (1/8") extension cord.
From one of our customers: Both people can hear a phone conversaion but only one person can talk on the phone, the person plugged into the middle hole. We listen to music, answer calls and make calls; how cool!
Yes. Music remains playing in the background while you converse.
Here are just some as there have been way to many positive ones to post!
Hi Mark,
Just a quick note to say that the package arrived at the end of last week, and we have been using the Tandem-com all week. It is absolutely wonderful. It works like a dream; it means we can chat together all along the route to school in the morning as well as listening to music as we cruise along.Both my son and I couldn't be happier.
Many thanks.
All the best,
Posting on Tandem@Hobbes
OK, I'll opine on
In my opinion, Tandem-com is a near ideal alternative to the Yell&Scream
system. We have used one for probably 5 years and don't ride without
it. Yelling and Screaming is stress raising and we like to ride to
eliminate stress. It is a wired system so there is a wire connecting
the riders...not a serious issue. The head sets are almost unnoticeable
while riding. The only problem we have had with the unit is that after
about one year, one of the headsets shorted out and needed
replacing. Since then we have been more careful handling the headsets and
have not had any problems with them.
I also wasn't ecstatic over how to carry/mount the electronics box. It
does easily fit into a jersey pocket but that is not a great place for someone
who perspires as I do. My solution was to mount it on a piece of flat
carbon fiber I had laying about. It is approx. 3"x5" and has
some poly-something fuzzy stuff used in vacuum-bagging, to act as a comfort
padded layer. Other cloth materials could be used. This is worn as a
mini-mini backpack, suspended by some 1/8" elastic chord (sourced at the
REI camping/climbing counter) serving as a stretchable shoulder straps. It
keeps the unit somewhere on the middle of my back where the stoker has easy
access to plug/unplug and adjust volume easily.
Just about the only complaint I have is that at speed (25-30mph on downhills)
the wind noise over ears and the headset speaker still make communication a bit
difficult. At our normal speed which is far below that, talking is very
easy. We can even quietly comment about other nearby riders without being
overheard. In short, we can communicate as easily as sitting next to
one-another over coffee.
Batteries last so long that I don't know how many hours or miles they last.
Since we live in SoCal (where it never rains and when it does, we don't go for a
ride) rainproof is not much of an issue. We have been caught out in light
rains using the Tandem Com and not taken any particular steps to protect it and
did not have a problem. I do have a plastic bag somewhere, that I can put
the unit in.
This is a bit lengthy and sorry for that but I like the unit and want to provide
a true experience.
Ralph Alder
We have been using Tandem-Com intercoms for several years now and they have been
a great addition to our enjoyment of traveling on our tandem.
We love our Tandem-Com. Riding is much more relaxed as the result of
the increased level of our communications.
Our Tandem-Com likely saved our marriage, or at least our ability to ride our
tandem together. We would end many of our rides with arguments (sometimes
before getting back to our car) because we each thought the other was yelling in
anger rather than to be heard. My wife couldn't hear me tell her to soft
pedal to avoid hitting other riders, so I would stop pedaling and she would keep
going with painful results. It was frustrating for both of us. The
Tandem-Com makes biking more enjoyable than I could imagine and I have the best
stoker in the world. So thanks.
Mark & Sue,
Just thought I'd send you a quick note to
let you know the Tandem-Com works perfectly with the Blackberry. Music
remains playing when you talk back and forth without being to loud to be able
to hear voices.
There will be 42 tandem teams at the rally
we're attending that starts in about 10 days. We will certainly be
recommending your product.
Sheri Tomaszewski
VyaTek Sports
Thanks again for your exceptional customer service. We really enjoy riding
without having to yell back and forth. It makes riding much more enjoyable
and safe!!!
Tandem intercom, the most important component on a tandem! I'd rather leave home
without my water bottles than forget this gizmo, worth every penny! ...
We really like our recently purchased Tandem Com communication system. We
have been a tandem team for 20 years, and the addition of the Tandem Com has
really added even more enjoyment to our rides.
tandem.com today and it looks like it works even on my partially deaf left ear.
I think it’s going to work just great!!!!
We received them and enjoyed them on a ride yesterday!
After almost 500 miles of riding we
are very happy with our tandem com! We wouldn't think of riding without it!
Thanks for getting our Tandem-Com to us on short notice.
How did we ride so long without this?
It's so nice to be able to share a normal conversation while we ride, and my
wife/stoker appreciates the subtle communications when in traffic or difficult
We really enjoy our Tandem-Com!
I got the Tandem-Com at work yesterday, I will buy extra batteries for the units
and wrap it up for Father's Day. I am so glad this worked out and that I
met the lovely couple who raved about theirs.
I think you will learn to love your tandem-com. We won't ride without
yelling "what?" all the time gets so tedious.
After many rides with the Tandem Com, we like it very much, to the point
that I don't think we would like to be without it.
Hi Mark/Sue,
wanted to let you know how much we're enjoying the tandem-com headsets. Adds a
whole new dimension to the ride. They were definitely worth the wait.
BTW, I (we) love the Tandem Com headsets that my stoker got us for my
birthday. It makes communication sooo much easier. It is well worth
added stuff we now have to take on a ride.
Just used my new Tandem Com last week with my wife. What a neat deal. I
can't say enough good things about the product. Really. Being able to talk in a
normal tone without the usual yelling was priceless. It was the first time
in the year we have owned our tandem that we could truly relax and ride. No more
yelling " bump" or " car" and then wondering if my stoker
has enough time to react with me. We even plugged in her ipod shuffle and
listened to music together . ( I did catch her on several occasions dancing in
her saddle , makes for a interesting ride )The wind noise was only evident when
we had a strong cross wind and I mean strong but was a minor nuisance at
the most. It was remedied somewhat by turning the earpiece down a notch.
That was only with strong winds, the majority of the time the sound was perfect.
Earpieces were comfortable and the unit was unnoticeable in my back jersey
pocket. The separate controls worked perfect. What a blast being able to talk
and laugh during our ride. We love riding our tandem and now it is complete.
Thanks and to those reading this , I'm really not being paid , I just love it
when things work as promised or in this case : Better.
We also have the Tandem-Com unit, and love it! As relatively new
tandemists (less than a year) I find it so much better for communication than
trying to yell and being frequently misunderstood, like yelling
"Whoa!" (OK, we're from Texas, alright!?!) and my stoker hearing
"GO!" We can speak in full sentences instead of 2 or 3 word
shouts, all at a normal volume. It really adds to the enjoyment of the
experience, especially riding somewhere new like a charity ride or touring...
We don't find the wind noise to be
intolerable, and when we're traveling at anything approaching about 30 MPH, I
don't want to do a whole lot of talking anyway! We did try a cell phone
headset once with the Tandem-Com when one of ours was broken, but the wind noise
was so bad it was unusable, so we did without the unit until Mark Johnson at
Precision Tandems (precisiontandems.com) kindly replaced our broken headset
(which was already out of warranty I might add!).
Our solution to the comment below is that
I run my wire down my back, inside my jersey, and the Tandem-Com unit slips into
my center pocket. My wife plugs in when she gets clipped in, and
"usually" remembers to unplug before dismounting. A little
inconvenient but well worth it my opinion... Bottom
line for us is that the Tandem-Com is an essential part of our tandem gear and I
expect to always want the level of communication that it provides...
Once again I want to tell you how pleased we are with our Tandem-Com. We
have used a Tandem-Talk for five or so years, and although we were generally
satisfied, I was not happy with the earpiece. It didn't fit me well, and
as a consequence, I experienced a lot of interference from wind noise.
The Tandem-Com has completely eliminated that problem while providing several superior features. The light, compact unit is more comfortable in my jersey pocket, and the easy access, separate volume controls solved a problem we had almost forgotten because we just gave up on it. My hearing is pretty poor, while my wife's is fairly acute. Now e can each set the volume to a comfortable and effective level. It's just an all-around great system.
And then there's your wonderful offer to credit us upon delivery of our Tandem-Talk which is enclosed. Please credit my VISA card for the $35.
Thanks for everything.
Thanks for the note for the credit on the trade-in program for Tandem-Com.
We were able to go outside for a couple of hours yesterday (windy but 42
degrees) and it worked great. Very little (no) wind noise, - most of the
wind noise was simply the air passing over our covered ears.
Enclosed is one complete Tandem-Talk (only used a couple of times) - Really like
the features of the Tandem-Com. [I] understand you can credit [my] charge
card account for $35 on receipt of the Tandem-Talk.
We just returned from a weekend ride with the Cascade Bicycle Club (The largest club in the nation). All of the tandem pairs were using your Tandem-Com wired intercoms. None were using the Tandem Talk units although one couple had replaced a Tandem Talk with your Tandem-Com wired intercom to get the improved reliability of sturdier cords and improved volume control.
We first experienced the joy of free communications without the annoyance caused by even a few feet of separation and wind while riding our tandem. Being able to make small comments about interesting sightings or road conditions added a new dimension to our tandem riding experience. Amazingly, this weekend my wife and I were on our single bikes and achieved the same carefree communication by using wireless Tandem-Com units. We could effortlessly speak and hear simultaneously without button pushing or voice delays. The increased enjoyment and safety has made our Tandem-Com an essential part of our riding equipment.
We've also been using a Tandem Com and love it. It makes it much easier for
her to hear me. Conversations are effortless and I can concentrate on
You can get more information on the Tandem Com at Precision Tandems (http://www.precisiontandems.com).
(Look for intercoms.) It consists of 3 parts: two headsets, and the intercom.
The headset has one earpiece and a microphone. They are very light and are no
more uncomfortable, for me, than wearing glasses. (I wear both). The intercom
itself is very small, about the size of a matchbook, but thicker. I clip it to
my jersey pocket and Kris can adjust the volume for both of us. The volume
controls are independent.
Thank you so much! I have heard great things about the Tandem-Com and
wait to get ours.
Mark, we used the Tandem Com for the first time yesterday. Works
perfectly; don't even know its there (except that we don't have yell at each
We find that we talk a lot more because it is so easy -- and comfortable.
Good product!
This unit is a VAST improvement over Tandem Talk.
John S.
I am totally infatuated with our set of Tandem-Com headsets and unit. It
is lightweight, clear and has improved our communication and pace-line skills.
And Posted on T@H email list: Some couples who
responded to my earlier request for paceline communication skills suggested
the tandem-com unit. It has been a complete revelation and has improved
our ability to converse at a low-volume level to keep the energy input at a
balanced level. The
remainder of our communication topics have improved our overall experience as
well as our handling skills. Thanks,
mark cook / cheryl prudhomme
Team JETStream
Calfee Tetra
Hi guys, we received the tandem
communications headsets on Thursday and put them to use on Saturday for the
"Jubilee Joy Ride" in Pendleton SC. We were able to really test them
as we had periods of high winds, and... they worked great. Money well spent.
My wife likes them, and my two children who stoke with me like them. I
really enjoy being able to talk conversationally and hearing what the other
has to say. Thanks Tom Hutton, Easley SC
From a Tandem-Talk owner needing more
comfortable headsets, "After a first test they are much comfortable than
the one I already own."
the UK!
Tandem intercom received 1st April, many thanks!
I am amazed at how light it is and how comfy the
headsets are!
I am itching to try them out but as this is a
pressie for the stoker's birthday it will have to wait a few days.
The great thing is that we will be able to use
them in our 1955 TR2 as it is very difficult to talk when traveling behind
aero-screens, a real bonus!
The Tandem-Com works great!
Paul T.
02/23/05We rode for only a few months before we realized that we missed the spontaneous way we normally converse - and unfortunately sometimes interrupt each other (we're still working on that... ) So, we have been delighted with our purchase of a Tandem-Com.
It's one of the better
things that we have bought for our cycling. I take Marian to and from work on
the tandem a few days a week which gives me about 75-80kms for the day. Marian
gets fairly nervous in traffic and being able to chat quietly with one another
whilst informing her of what's happening with the surrounding cars, obstacles,
bumps, etc., is the best. Now that we are used to having the tandem-com we
just wouldn't even contemplate riding without it.
My daughter and I have found it difficult to carry on a conversation while
riding until our first ride using the Tandem-Com! Our time together is now
more meaningful as conversation is effortless. The headsets are
surprisingly comfortable to the point we forget we have them on. Thank you
for making a pleasurable activity even more enjoyable. It has added so
much to our riding experience that we use it all the time. Thanks for your
prompt service in getting it to me.
Hi Sue,
Item received in 7 days, works well.
Dear Precision Tandem folks,
We got our Tandem-Com intercom system in the mail last week and,
after using it on a few rides, we had to tell you that we are delighted with it!
Thanks for recommending that particular unit to us. It works great
and has really added a new dimension to our tandem rides. And it certainly
increases our safety factor by being able to talk back and forth like that.
We're going to recommend it to the other tandem riders in our Desert Bicycle
By the way, your shipping was super fast and we appreciate that,
too. Especially knowing how well it works!
Annalisa & Roger Hahn
The thing that we found puts my stokers mind at ease when we are riding through
traffic is the Tandem-Com
that we bought from Precision Tandems. I'm a foot taller and double the weight
of my better half so she can't see around me at all. I keep up a constant update
on the traffic, who's doing what, what potholes we are about to hit and what we
are going as in turns etc,. I cycle about 35kms a day with Marian on the
back and the same again by
myself on the commute to work 3 days a week
Geoff Semon
(from a post made to T@H)
We bought our Tandem-Com earlier this year and what a great addition to riding a
tandem. From the first ride, it's been wonderful to talk to one another in
normal tones. As for battery life, I have no idea how long it will last...
we've put many hours on ours and haven't change the battery yet. Since seeing
our Tandem-Com, at least 2-3 other teams have purchased them... and love theirs
as well. Our newest addition has been to plug in our i-pod to the auxiliary
input... outside, riding together, ease of communication, our favorite tunes....
does it get any better????
Les Wooldridge / Alice Nash
Nashville, TN
Just wanted you to know we received the Tandem-com yesterday and tried it
out - and it is great! It will take us a while to quit yelling after 10+ years of
having to do
that - but it certainly adds to the tandem experience.
We've used our recently purchased tandem-com (from Precision
Tandems) on our last few rides. This is our 10th season of tandem riding,
and it's easy to think that if we have done ok without an intercom for so
many miles, we don't really need one. I am however very pleased with the
difference the intercom makes on each ride. We are able to communicate
the wind noise on fast descents and can talk quietly without everyone else
in the group hearing every word. When we stand & climb, I call
"and... sit"
when it's time to sit back down. Since I'm usually out of breath by that
point, it's nice to be able to just whisper it instead of trying to find the
breath to call it out louder.
With the volume properly adjusted there is no noticeable wind noise over the
headset. The microphones are directional and noise-canceling, so it is
important to point them the right way. I've quickly gotten used to hearing
my stoker breathing in my ear. My stoker hasn't as quickly gotten used to
the fact that I can hear all the names she likes to call me under her breath
when I push the pace!
I want to congratulate you, by the
way, on a dramatic improvement over the Tandem Talker.!
The more we ride, the more we like it.
This has got to be the best piece of
gear since we bought the tandem itself!!
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